We make them every day without much thought of consequences. The truth is every action has
a reaction and ultimately an end result. We truly are what we eat.
Each individual has within their grasp the power to change, direct and guide their health and wellness with quality choices. With a career in healthcare I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand the effects that a poor lifestyle has on overall health. Most illnesses and diseases can be reversed or avoided simply by controlling what we eat and drink combined with exercise.
What is it about the word exercise that conjures up so many uncomfortable thoughts? Why is it that the very mention of the word makes people get anxious? There are so many healthy benefits to be gained by stretching and moving our bodies that the sky is the limit! Yoga, Pilates, hiking, biking, swimming, weight training and walking are just a few of the options available. Fitness can and should be both fun and entertaining. Movement is the key to staying limber and vibrant. Get creative and get moving.
Perhaps you prefer painful hip replacement, knee replacement or cortisone shots. Millions of people accept illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, arthritis, weakness, heart disease and more that are caused by inflammation. Its your life and your choices do matter, so what's it going to be?
Okay, so maybe all 10 of these seem a bit drastic to try and obtain immediately, but what if you just tried to incorporate 4 or 5 of these improvements into your day. Eat small meals to keep your body adequately supplied with the fuel it needs to operate at it's optimum. Skip that offensive coke and drink chilled water.
Unhealthy vegetable fats and margarine are clogging your arteries! Replace those with extra virgin coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil to boost your metabolism and reap healthful benefits.
Research has shown that sugar is a destroyer of the brain. Yes, you read that correctly. Alzheimer's Disease has now been linked directly to sugar and is considered Type 3 diabetes! The affect sugar has on our body and brain is beyond superficial. Memory is destroyed by over consumption of this man made product.
Most people don't realize that simple carbohydrates comprise so much of the modern diet and that this is the real culprit of the obesity epidemic throughout the world. Processed foods are overloaded with simple carbohydrates which turn to sugar in the body during digestion. All this glucose (sugar) has to go somewhere and it is clogging up our bodies. Not only are we getting fatter, we are getting sicker!
Real foods provided by God through nature are the key to health, vitality and longevity. It comes back to choices. What you put into your body is what your body actually is. Give your car a sugary drink and see how well it performs. If you let it rest too long it rusts. Same result for the human body. Food is the source of life and you are in control for providing the fuel choices that direct your health.
More and more people are on medications, suffering with ailments that could be avoided with lifestyle changes involving diet and exercise. The alarming statistic is that so may people choose to take poisonous pills to alleviate symptoms rather than incorporating lifestyle changes. The epidemic we are facing is a population of sick, obese and over medicated individuals whose brains are being consumed literally by the sugary substances they are putting into their bodies.
Choosing to live healthy is a happy choice filled with so many possibilities. Eating foods that are real means that they really grow and are really alive is a quick and easy way to decide if it is a good choice or not. Take the potato, it grows so okay. Potato chips, not so good, it is processed potatoes mixed with stuff. The thing is we really don't know what all that "stuff" is that "they" put into the foods we consume.
Choices mixed with thought processes determine the truth about what we eat. If it goes into your body, it really goes into your body. All throughout the body. The results have cause and effect. Your decision. Your life. Your health. Your future.
How do you want to age? Sickly, obese, on all kinds of medications suffering with all kinds of diseases and ailments?
Take a good brisk walk. Take the stairs. Lift a few weights. Clean your home or car with exuberance. Dance to some great music. Eat real foods. Drink clean water. Cut down the sugar and processed foods.
You will feel the difference, and your body will reward you. Smile and pass it on.
God Bless.